
ParaT - Parametric THz fronends

Parametric circuits can become a solution to overcome the current challenges of electronic systems at sub- and THz ranges. Based on a variable reactance these systems ideally enable amplification without DC power consumption nor added noise. Furthermore, the principle is independent of the technology limitations in terms of transit and maximum oscillation frequency, which also makes it promising for emerging technologies. Currently there are certain gain limitations of parametric systems at THz ranges. Therefore, this proposal studies the current constraints and based on prior works, shows how these can be overcome to achieve RF-powered frequency converters with gain. The use of a different type of device consisting of a diode-connected bipolar transistor has previously demonstrated gain for up- and subharmonic down-conversion at 60 GHz. Simulations demonstrate that the diode-based systems can be translated to higher frequencies while reaching gain. For these reasons, new topologies applied to the proposed devices can lead to a new era of parametric-based high-frequency frontends at THz.

Field of action:
CMOS and more

Organizational units:
  • Faculty 6 – Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Lehrstuhl für Höchstfrequenzelektronik (HFE)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renato Negra


in preparation

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