Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q)
“Matter and Light for Quantum Computing” (ML4Q) is a Cluster of Excellence established in 2019 within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. In ML4Q, scientists from the universities of Cologne, Aachen and Bonn as well as Forschungszentrum Jülich come together to spearhead quantum computing research. The aim of ML4Q is to develop new computing and networking architectures using the principles of quantum mechanics. Computing and networking power beyond anything classically imaginable would make quantum computers powerful tools in key areas such as materials design, pharmaceutics, or artificial intelligence. ML4Q builds on and expands the complementary expertise in the three key research fields (solid-state physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science) at the partner institutions in order to develop the best hardware platform for quantum information technology, and provide comprehensive blueprints for a functional quantum information network.
Field of action:
Quantum Computing
- Faculty 1 – Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
ML4Q office cologne, University of Cologne, Pohligstr. 3, 50969 Cologne, Germany
Dr. Andrea Bliesener (Geschäftsführung), Prof. Dr. Hendrik Bluhm (RWTH Standortsprecher)