
Industrialisierbare Schlüsseltechnologien für energieeffiziente Tbit-Transceiver in 6G Mobilfunksystemen - ESSENCE-6GM

In the project ESSENCE-6GM, solutions are being researched to realise transmitter and receiver modules for the frequency range just below terahertz radiation, which will be a critical component of future 6G systems. Economic efficiency and environmental compatibility are the top priorities for the technical implementation: the solutions must be cost-effective to realise in future industrial series production and be significantly more energy-efficient in operation compared to today's solutions. The project specifically addresses the critical weak points of today's transmitter and receiver systems: By introducing new concepts in analogue and digital conversion, circuit technology and module integration, transmitter and receiver units for sub-THz systems can be made more energy-efficient and high-performance. At the end of the project, the demonstration of a multiantenna system is planned, with which data rates of up to one terabit per second can be transmitted.

Field of action:
CMOS and more

Organizational units:
  • Faculty 6 – Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Lehrstuhl für Höchstfrequenzelektronik (HFE)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renato Negra



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