Electronics based on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology are the foundation of information technology, and we rely on semiconductor electronics in almost every aspect of our lives. To sustain continued advancements towards smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient semiconductor components and systems, silicon-based CMOS technology must be augmented with novel heterogeneous nanoscale material and device technologies. In CMOS-2D, we aim to develop novel Si CMOS and 2D semiconductor heterostructure devices and circuits for future semiconductor components and systems. Therefore, we will utilize our in-house FDSOI CMOS technology at KTH and adapt it to heterogeneously integrate the 2D semiconductor materials MoS2 and WSe2 into the CMOS process flow. This research platform will enable us to explore entirely new and unique device designs that combine the advantages of established Si CMOS technology and emerging 2D semiconductor materials.
Field of action:
CMOS and more
- Faculty 6 – Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Lehrstuhl für Höchstfrequenzelektronik (HFE)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renato Negra
in preparation